July 12, 2023

WEGH’s media release

Western Green Energy Hub and Korea Electric Power Corporation sign MOU towards a Joint Development Agreement for the production of green hydrogen in Australia.

The Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) and the developers of the Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH) today announce the signing of an MOU to deepen their cooperation on the project.

The WGEH project is a staged development of one of Australia’s largest proposed green hydrogen hubs, located over 15,000 sq kms in the southeast of Western Australia, on Mirning Country.

The MOU confirms KEPCO’s interest to participate in the project and lays the foundation for deepening the relationship between KEPCO and WGEH.

Once at full scale, the WGEH project has the potential to produce up to 3.5 Mt of zero-carbon green hydrogen per year, for supply to both domestic and international customers, including South Korea.

WGEH Pty Ltd is the corporate entity developing the project, comprising a current consortium of three shareholders – InterContinental Energy and CWP Global, both leading international developers and investors of large-scale green hydrogen hubs, and Mirning Green Energy Limited, a dedicated commercial entity of the Mirning Traditional Lands Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC.

The WGEH project will actively partner with the local and regional communities and help to grow their economies. Integral to this transformation will be the involvement of the Mirning Peoples, the Traditional Custodians of the land on which the project will take place.

Ray Macdonald, WGEH Chief Executive Officer, said –

“I am delighted to have KEPCO sign the MOU and I look forward to the collaboration in our joint goal to develop the WGEH project, as well as being a long-term supply partner to South Korea and other international markets.”

“This new partnership is recognition of the work we have done to date and, perhaps more importantly, it recognises the opportunities that lie ahead.”

“This includes the present update of the Australian Government national hydrogen strategy and the opportunity for priority promotion of regional development, indigenous participation, and a new green export industry for Australia.”

“Projects like WGEH are large and complex and bringing in KEPCO, a proven partner and developer of largescale infrastructure projects, is invaluable.”